Welcome Friendly Firefly Families!
We are wild about animals in the Friendly Firefly class! Ask your child to tell you some facts that they have learned so far. During Alphabet Time, we have been learning the letter Xx and Vv and their letter sounds. We introduced the high frequency word "play" and drew a picture of an instrument that we would like to play. Our friends wrote "I can play..." filling in the instrument that they chose. We have also been practicing sounding out words (stretching them out) and listening for beginning, middle, and ending sounds. In math, we have been counting 10 objects in a variety of different ways and tallying 10 items.
Be sure to check out the information regarding "Don't Dis My Abilities" week below.
Bookman Road takes the idea of inclusion very seriously and we Beacons, pride ourselves by taking each day to show this. Being that we are a Unified Champion School, we strive to educate ourselves on what it means to be accepting of others and their differences. Through understanding, we can learn what it is like to walk in the shoes of others. It is through this understanding that walls and barriers are broken down for everyone.
At Bookman Road, we will celebrate our Beacons with differences in learning the week of March 21st through March 25th with “Don't Dis My Abilities “. Each day we ask that you wear a specific color that will represent a group of Beacons and others who deal with some type of differing ability. Teachers will also receive stickers that will allow all to participate and show their support. We can not wait to see the pride Bookman Road Beacons show during this week of celebration. Each day’s colors and information are listed below.
Monday: Wear the color BLUE to represent your support of our Beacons and others who live with autism.
Tuesday: Wear the color PURPLE to represent your support of our Beacons and others who live with a medical differing ability.
Wednesday: Wear the color YELLOW to represent your support of our Beacons and others who live with learning, speech, emotional, or developmental differing abilities.
Thursday: Wear the color GRAY to represent your support of our Beacons and others who live with hearing impairment.
Friday: Wear Bookman Road Spirit Wear to show our support and pride for all of our Beacons and others who live with differing abilities.
The Friendly Fireflies and Busy Bees singing and signing
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star".
Blinky's Buddy this week: JaylenBlinky's Buddy next week: Lucca
Fri. Mar. 18 No school for students (Teacher Work Day/SWAP day)
Mon. Mar. 21 - Fri. Mar. 25 Don't Dis My Abilities Week *see info above*
Sat. Mar. 26 (9am-12pm) BRE Yard Day
Fri. April 8 Early Dismissal
Mon. April 11-Fri. April 15 Spring Break!
Cosmic Kid's Yoga
Working with partners using number lines and tally marks.
More Yoga!
Fun Run!